Reproduced below is the exact copyright and distribution notice I received with the source code for the portable version 2.5 of MakeIndex, upon which MacMakeIndex is based. Please read it. It applies to MacMakeIndex too.
Pursuant to the terms of the original distribution notice, the same distribution rights also apply to MacMakeIndex. Specifically, this notice must accompany any distribution of MacMakeIndex. Since this is beta software, I do not plan to release the source code for MacMakeIndex. The original "portable" MakeIndex v2.5 source code, which does all the real work, should be widely available. If not, I can send it to you via email unless swamped by requests.
Summary of the above: This is free. Use it for free. Post it wherever you like for free. But don't charge for it. Be sure to always include this notice. Also be sure to include the accompanying About MacMakeIndex file that contains the minimal documentation. Although this is free, it is NOT in the public domain. All the non-Macintosh-specific parts of the code are copyrighted by Pehong Chen as noted above. The Macintosh shell, such as it is, is copyrighted (C) by me, Johnny Tolliver, 1989.
In order to abide by the above copyright and distribution agreement, and since I try to be a real legal sort-of guy when it comes to software, I might be convinced to make the source code to this BETA version of MacMakeIndex available after sufficient begging/shouting/arm-twisting and/or bribing. Should I release the (LightspeedC) source code, I will require that you call me between 7:00 and 7:01 am Eastern Time on any Tuesday following the second full moon of any month that does not begin in a consonant; should I happen to be on vacation, sick, in a meeting, in my car, in the bathroom, or anywhere else when you call such that I cannot answer my phone, then you will have to wait until the next available time-window to begin begging/shouting/threatening/bribing/etc. Please note that I normally come to work about 7:30 am or later, except on Tuesdays during months that have two full moons ...when I may not come at all. However, I reserve the right to accept bribes of superior amount at any time. Once approved, in order to get the source, you will have to send me a working, formatted 300 Megabyte (or larger) Macintosh hard disk along with suitable driver software and a self-addressed packing crate with sufficient packing material and return postage to get it all back to you intact. I will install the source code on your hard disk and return it to you within three years.
Seriously, there is nothing secret in the Macintosh source code. It's just that the code is so rudimentary and non-exemplary (and beta) that I recommend you not bother trying to talk me out of it (or should that be talk it out of me?). Believe me, nobody is going to learn anything from the Macintosh code. Someday I will add online help, clean up the code, maybe make the whole thing MultiFinder-compatible, and distribute the source along with the application. If you really, really insist on seeing the ugly source, send me a formatted floppy and a sufficiently stamped, self-addressed envelope.
Send email to to obtain my U.S. mailing address.